Drinking Water additive for Chlorine Ions neutralization.

Sodium Tiosulfate 12.0 %
Blue Color Indicator  0.5 %
Distilled water  Up to 100.0 %

Sinchlorine Is intended to be added to chicken drinking water at a time of live vaccine dispensation. The added chlorine ions and/or those present in drinking water are capable of neutralizing the virus/bacteria that is in the live vaccine and thus to harm the vaccine effectiveness. The active material in this product has the ability to neutralize the active chlorine ions in the water. Adding the blue indicator is used to identify the presence of the additive in the water prior to serving the vaccine in the water.

Instructions and recommended dosage:
Make sure that the drinking water does not contain additives of acidity/disinfection products.
Add 0.5cc of Sinchlorine for 2 lt. of drinking water and wait 15-20 min. before adding the vaccine to
the drinking water (a bottle of 250cc fits to -1000 lt. of water)
Mix the vaccine in the water and serve it to the chickens. The blue color in the water is an indicator
during the time of serving the vaccine.

Packing: 250cc bottle.

Storage: Keep in a cold dark place, away from children and animals.

For veterinary use only.

manufactured in Israel for Bnot Harel Ltd.