About Artemia
 Artemia (Artemia Salina) is salt water crustacean also known as Brine Shrimp.

• Artemia populations are found worldwide in inland saltwater lakes, but not in oceans. Artemia are able to avoid cohabiting with most types of predators, such as fish, by their ability to live in waters of very high salinity (up to 25%).

• The ability of the Artemia to produce dormant eggs, known as cysts, has led to extensive use of Artemia in aquaculture. The cysts may be stored for long periods and hatched on demand to provide a convenient form of live feed for larval fish and crustaceans. Nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia constitute the most widely used food item.

• Artemia is bought as preserved eggs and hatch on site.


The Artemia is available in 2 options:

Hatching Artemia and Non Hatching Shell Free Artemia.


 To order or more information please contact us.